
Rodin Museum – Philadelphia PA

Katherine had told us about the Rodin Museum. I asked who Rodin was, she told me he was the guy who made The Thinker. Curious I said that would be a good place to go so we walked down there. It was a museum whose admittance was a suggested donation of $5. The front yard was all under construction so it was behind fences but the new pool and the garden surrounding looked like itā€™d someday be beautiful.

We walked up the big marble steps and looked with a sort of morbid awe at the Gates of Hell. Literally, we were standing in front of them, or at least Rodinā€™s idea of what Hell might be likeā€¦ there were people clawing to get out, babies trying to scratch and crawl their way out of limbo towards the bottom sides. Well how can you not go in with a tease like that?? We enteredā€¦ Whew! I didnā€™t know anything about Rodin but suddenly felt I knew everything I had to knowā€¦ this guy must have been pretty off in the head. The vast majority of the figures were in agonizing distress with titles like ā€œMartyrā€ and ā€œdespair.ā€ Women, obviously, were pictured in the usual backwards religious way as being the devilish temptresses of menā€¦ but I shrugged that off as some of the hands sculptures were simply amazing.

Even Katherine hadnā€™t been here before and I think it was a pretty neat little place. I would definitely suggest it to anyone who has any interest whatsoever in art or psychology or even the human figure. I wish I knew who some of the busts were but I just didnā€™t. No real explanation either. Thatā€™s alright though, I can look them up if I really want to.

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