
Staying with Friends in Miami

IĀ ended up in Miami to meet a new friend, Keren. I was told she had an autistic four year old son and just to expect that. I didnā€™t mind, of course, Iā€™ve dealt with plenty enough children and special needs people to know how to behave around them comfortably.

Miami wasā€¦ exactly how I thought itā€™d beā€¦ It was big, city-like, sunny, boiling hot, and there was loud Cuban music playing everywhere. I donā€™t mean there was loud music playing out of clubs and whatnotā€¦ I mean you could hear peopleā€™s cars a mile or more down the block and private residences? She had the misfortune to have a neighbor who cranked his music so loud that we could not hear each other talk. We were literally yelling at each other at the top of our voices, ā€œHI! SORRY ABOUT THE NEIGHBORS! THEYā€™RE A BIT OBNOXIOUS!ā€

Keren was a funny woman, vibrantly opinionated, full of piss and vinegar. Her son was sweet and took a liking to me. He chatted up a storm and I played games with him and exchanged corny little knock knock jokes. We ate pizza and stayed up into the wee morning hours talking to her father, a rabbi, telling us about the state of Israel, which was oddly enlightening to a gentile such as myself.

I think Keren was just as amused byĀ me asĀ I wasĀ of her. She kept callingĀ me adorable and polite becauseĀ I waited to be invited to sit at her dinner table. She says Miami is full of brash mannerless people and I was justā€¦ different.Ā I slept over at her house and took the most amazing hot shower there beforeĀ I left. Iā€™m a bit embarrassed to say it was the first shower I had taken since I left and I was getting tired of the baby wipe sponge baths andĀ my hair being soĀ greasy I could hear my brush squicking through it.Ā In the morning she fedĀ me grits. Iā€™d yet to get around to trying any southern foods so this was actually something I wasĀ up for. They were awesome! Buttery and delicious and I just donā€™t know why I havenā€™t had them beforeā€¦ Iā€™m so getting some whenĀ I go home.Ā I left a half a bag of Sā€™more marshmallows, apparently something they donā€™t sell down there. ā€œWhy are these marshmallows so huge?!ā€ Funny how much discussion those marshmallows have been givingĀ me lately.

If you are enjoying Catching Marbles please consider adding a dollar or two to my limited gas money fund so I can continue going on adventures and sharing them with you! Thank you!


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