
Hollyweird California

Hollyweird. What can I say about you? Your traffic sucks for one. You really think itā€™s a good idea to give your stuck-up, timid-yet-aggressive, sixteen year old daughters ginormous SUVā€™s? Really now? This was cause for swearing.Ā And the jams! ManĀ I saw more traffic than Iā€™d seen inĀ the whole trip.

IĀ didnā€™t really know where to go. I had no interest whatsoever in even being here.Ā I drove down Mulholland Drive, only because it sounded vaguely familiar. It was boring. Gate after McMansion after gate after McMansion. Big whoop. I declared ifĀ I were that richĀ I sure as hell wouldnā€™t live thereā€¦ Iā€™d buy aĀ house with land!

Anyway,Ā it was time to visit aĀ guy going by the name of Trash, which I think is pretty self-explanatory. He broughtĀ me around Hollyweird. He showedĀ me the Hollywood sign (I got to see the H driving by as I was texting my mother at the timeā€¦ something about, ā€œDonā€™t worry, Iā€™m not with a serial killerā€) andĀ I also got to see Frank Zappaā€™s old property (which looked like shrubbery) and Bing Crosbyā€™s old house (also looked like a lot of shrubbery,) some place Jim Morrison stayed for awhile with his ā€œcrazyā€ girlfriend (that actually looked less like shrubbery) and the Brady Bunch House, which creepily enough has not changed. He pointed out a lot of other things but since I pay very little attention to anything in popular culture I had no idea who most of the people he was talking about were. Thatā€™s fine.Ā I did drive down Sunset Boulevard, Vine, saw some clubs, went by the Hollywood graveyard, and eventually stopped for a pizza.

IĀ left the city after nightfall saying good bye once and for all to the traffic, the glitter, and the generally odd atmosphere of the placeā€¦ but only after taking a fucking shower. I know I seem to be harping on the shower thing but seriouslyā€¦ when you only take one shower every three weeks somethingā€™s terribly wrong! WATER! IT MAKES ME MELT!

If you are enjoying Catching Marbles please consider adding a dollar or two to my limited gas money fund so I can continue going on adventures and sharing them with you! Thank you!


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