
Niagra Falls – American Side

IĀ decided at quite a late point thatĀ I should check out Niagara Falls. The only thing was that I did not have a passport to see the Canadian, AKA, the cool side of the falls, andĀ I had very very little money left anyway. SoĀ I decided to check out the American Falls which are for all intent and purposes free. Parking was not free however, untilĀ I wandered 500 feet down the road and found a free two hour parking spot. It was yet another ungodly muggy day andĀ I had yet to realize that itā€™d be quite a hike to see the falls.

IĀ walked, dripping in sweat and dying for a bottle of waterĀ I hadnā€™t brought with me. WhenĀ I finally got thereĀ I wasĀ treated with a profile view of the falls, different from the head on view youā€™d see in Canada but no less impressive.Ā I stayed in its cool refreshing mist for quite awhile before heading back.

IĀ stopped again at the little river leading into the falls and over the much bigger river doing the same.Ā I leaned over the bridge to see. Trolleys were everywhere going to the falls but suspiciously I didnā€™t see any of them come back.

IĀ bought a cold drink ($2 a can) whenĀ I came back and a magnet. Everything here was pricey as you could imagine. A number of ice cream and drink stands along the way did not have their prices listed at all, leadingĀ me to suspect they were charging $5 for ice or something similarly insane. All and all it was a nice little walk.Ā I got back beforeĀ my two hours were up and the frosty Canadian Dry Ginger Ale was the best Iā€™d ever had.

***I apologize for any missing photos and galleries as I continue to work getting Catching Marbles fully migrated to a new host. Please come back soon for restored photos and thank you for your patience!***

If you are enjoying Catching Marbles please consider adding a dollar or two to my limited gas money fund so I can continue going on adventures and sharing them with you! Thank you!


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