This time around I got a different reader. She was a sweet old lady that reminded me of Jane Goodall. I quietly sat down, said nothing of relevance, and she started. Today I wanted to know about my future, not what was going on presently. Last time I had my cards read I think everyone I had ever met was represented somewhere. This time the spread was me-centric. No one else was appearing anywhere. She told me this was very important, that there was something I was doing by myself, that it had to be done by just myself. I smiled. Yes, yes indeed. I am currently single and after spending two years running a heritage breed poultry farm I decided that even though I do not have the financial means, the farm, or really anything else anymore after the break up, I still want to devote my life to farming â but this time instead of aiming to be a hatchery I want it to be an educational farm on a large acreage. I want it to be a place of community and public access. My goals will be to have a tool library, a seed library, a co-op garden, classes on how to raise your own food including gardening, slaughtering, processing, and cooking, and I want to also have nature walking paths that wind past non-traditional tiny homes I plan on building and renting out. Animals on the property will be heritage breeds in danger of extinction being bred for prosperity and the gardens will have a vast variety of vegetables, fruits, and berries that are also quickly going extinct in our monoculture. Itâs a HUGE vision, a complicated vision, and one that is really damn near impossible to accomplish with no credit and no formal education but thatâs not stopping me because I feel there is a much higher purpose to all this. I feel completely driven. With that being said itâs been crazy laborious to set up a platform, to make donation prizes, and to come up with a strategy, all right after moving into a far from ideal situation (i.e. I have NO space to do this.) But this is what was going on and what I wasnât saying when my cards were being read.
So she says I am doing something big, by myself, something others think I am incapable of doing but donât listen to them. The others are an unnamed audience of multiple people. Here there was a vision, a vision only I could do, and one in which it was of absolute importance that I kept true. Donât let anyone else take credit or change it any way, it is yours and you have to maintain control. Sounds about right. But there is something negative too â bureaucracy â over and over again, perhaps a board of directors, who are coming in and giving you a hard time about everything. Itâll be frustrating and youâll fight them a lot but in the end youâll succeed, just donât let them change what youâre doing or take credit for any of it. I am guessing this means the planning and zoning board of the town I decide to settle in. Building your own tiny home is a bureaucratic nightmare in New England, worse if you want it to be a functioning farm business as well. I know this is the sort of thing only crazy people try to accomplish. I realize itâs going to be hard. I am still going for it. Hearing this from the cards was comforting. More amusing still she did two lay outs and they both said the same thing. Curiously she said I feel like I am standing still and itâs not going fast enough (dead on) and that I am just trying to keep everything balanced (which I very much am in everything In my life right now. Itâs of dire importance for any of this to work.) Also that money is tight and that I am seeking it from all different sources (did this octogenarian just reword crowdsourcing??) And she left off with an unexpectedly sweet message. âIn a year or two, soon but not too soon, someone will come into your life, a love interest, who will be better than you can even imagine.â She repeated that, better than I can imagine. I did not ask, nor was I looking for that sort of answer. Part of me has always figured once I sort myself out and am settled after all this I will find someone â but better than I can imagine? Thatâs a lot to live up to! Perhaps I should take this note as mere flattery.
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