Cemetaries · Historical Landmarks

Lowell City Cemetery & Lowell Cemetery

Yet again I set out to go to one cemetery and ended up at another. I can find obscure paths with no markers, historical landmarks no one has ever heard of, cool places guarded by whispering locals, but ask me to find a cemetery, any cemetery what-so-ever and I will find a different one! Thatā€™s OK. Theyā€™re all beautiful in their own ways. The confusion came from the fact there is both a Lowell City Cemetery (which I ended up at first) and a Lowell Cemetery which has the ever gorgeous Ayer Lion who I like to visit from time to time.

Seeing as I was already at the Lowell City Cemetery I decided to take a quick peak. An enormous monument of an elk had caught my eye as well as an equally enormous statue of a Native American which I couldnā€™t fathom why it existed in a rich white manā€™s cemetery. Turns out the Indian was Aspinquid, Chief of the Penacook Indians. Looks like he must have impressed someoneā€¦ but I am not so certain his age marker of 122 years old at death is correct.


After that little detour I finally arrived back at the correct cemetery, the Lowell Cemetery,Ā where the famous Ayer Lion resides. Heā€™s the saddest lion you will ever meet ā€“ carved life size in marble he can melt the heart of anyone who gazes upon his sorrowful face or his retiring paws. I have admired him for years, occasionally stopping in to say hi, and respected him just for the sheer fine art aspect of this monument. The artist who carved him put so much attention to detail that he even got the skin flap between the legs and body completely life-like. I know it sounds strange but I always feel like consoling the poor beast with a hug, as if he were somehow real. Heā€™s garnered much attention over the years, as have a few other monuments like ā€œWitch Bonneyā€ who was never a witch and I am not even sure was named Bonney. One of New Englandā€™s favorite past times has been to make up scary bullshit stories to scare our children. That was one of themā€¦


***I apologize for any missing photos and galleries as I continue to work getting Catching Marbles fully migrated to a new host. Please come back soon for restored photos and thank you for your patience!***

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BONUS! Thereā€™s a tiny park just a little ways away from the cemetery which is what I can only call a swamp with a few tables. Totally worth checking out if only for the fact you can say, ā€œIā€™ve been to a swamp park and befriended some amorous bullfrogs!ā€ I know what youā€™re thinking and no, none of them turned out to be princes.


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