Dear Readers,
This Summer has been a real life changer for me. I have thrown myself whole-heartedly into just living and it has been absolutely wonderful. Just in this past week I have inspired a handful of complete strangers to travel to new destinations, I have brought my mother and her friend to a series of fun places they’d never make it to otherwise, and I have improved my arts of photography and sculpting in leaps and bounds. Every direction I take seems to be causing this massive wave of positivity to everyone I meet and many more who I don’t. This is surely what life is really about – it’s not about the rat race, squabbling over issues, engaging in drama, it’s about just being who you are – unrepentantly, joyfully, confidently, and giving as much as you can to the world at large. Every day I am surprised and overjoyed at the forms which my positivity comes back to me. It’s almost as if in my thirties I have gone from a life of just existing to a life of actually living and to inspire others to do the same only makes the world that much better of a place to live. So I wanted to thank you for everyone following. Thank you for sharing my adventures with me, thank you for smiling, for laughing, for going out and doing. And if you want to show your appreciation for this little happy rant do something nice for someone today – I don’t care who or what, just do something nice. Share a smile, a slice of pizza, a memory, a word of support. Remember no one should be alone in this world.
In the meanwhile I will continue to work on many other projects as I write this. I am still visiting and photographing farms which I have been documenting on my future farm’s facebook page, still traveling for this blog, I continue to work on my sculptures, and I am trying to spread joy through laughter at my other blog Deranged Thoughts from a Cluttered Mind and my often irreverent and NSFW Twitter account @TyphaniBrooks. Below is a photo of Droog Cockatoo – a sculpture I am currently working on. My hope is to have him painted up and photographed to share on my FaceBook art page tonight. So feel free to check him out! And these are just the projects I am sharing! I have a few on the backburner including two novels and two art books! For too long I have been someone with unused talents, now I intend to fully express my artistic side and get everyone as involved as I can, so please continue on this adventure with me – you inspire me right back being the beautiful individuals you are!
Lots of Love,
If you are enjoying Catching Marbles please consider adding a dollar or two to my limited gas money fund so I can continue going on adventures and sharing them with you! Thank you!