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More Whimsy as I get Lost in the Woods Again – Rindge NH

DSC_0139This entry is a little different than most. Itā€™s not an advertisement for some great place to go itā€™s more just a story about getting lost in the woods and finding myself both physically, andĀ perhapsĀ more metaphorically as well,Ā Ā through only the most ridiculous of means.

DSC_0412I must admit I havenā€™t been taking the greatest care of my health lately. Instead on days when I feel great I WAY overdo it and then crash for a week and repeat! This time around I was so accustomed to the crash I wasnā€™t even aware I was in a downward spiral until today when I woke up and was suddenly able to focus and move without pain. WOW. Thatā€™s different! This led to a morning filled with me bouncing around listening to oddly aggressive music and finishing painting my Droog Cockatoo sculpture.

DSC_0210My music these days might be a bit alarming to those of you who knew me in the past. I have somehow morphed from this terribly pleasant, quiet, shy, feminine, little house mouse to someone bouncing around swearing like a sailor, wearing garishly awful costumes on a weekday, singing loudly to increasingly aggressive and offensive music, and denying everything I was ever brought up to be ā€“ ladylike, prim, proper, well spoken. Every day I inch closer to the real me and every day I am more excited to learn it all anew. And shit, I wish someone had told me all 90ā€™s music didnā€™t suck.Ā I was always forced to listen to shitty boybands and Britney Spears byĀ my bestie at the time. Fuck, if I knew how beautifully twisted Marilynn Manson, how deliciously sarcastic My Chemical Romance, or how delightfully dysfunctional PlaceboĀ was I think my teenage years would have been so much more interesting! So onward I go listening to a delightful clusterfuck of angry, dysfunctional, deeply sarcastic, and utterly gender fucked music.

DSC_0324I only mention all the above to show you what kind of kick ass, loving life, sort of mood I was in when I decided to fill my pockets with random baubles and head into the woods, a camera slung over my shoulder like someone who knew what they were doingā€¦

I hadnā€™t been up the trail in several months. Itā€™s halfway up someoneā€™s driveway and they were letting their driveway grow in so bad I could barely find that much less the trail. More tactics to get people to fuck off (even though this makes no sense ā€“ dude knew the trail head was there when he bought the property! But whatever.) I got on the trail and noticed it too was pretty damn overgrown and a lot of the trail markers were just goneā€¦ but I knew where I was goingā€¦ or at least I thought I did.

DSC_0305Thereā€™s a big logged out clearing near the dam. I decided to go through to the back of it where there was a nice stone wall to sit on. I wanted to take a few crystal photos with the wall and the lake as its backdrop. This I did before deciding to follow the deer path that ran along the wall to the dam. I made my way to the dam just fine. I spent some time playing in the grass here, snapping photos, enjoying the sun, just relaxing and having a good time. Once I had felt well rested enough I headed back whence I came but found the path I was supposed to have taken in wasā€¦. grossly DSC_0154overgrown and lacking in any trail markers. I walked in what I believed to be the right direction sometimes where there was an obvious trail (or two, or three) and other times when I was just clomping through underbrush. I did not end up back at the trailhead. In fact I haveĀ no ideaĀ where I ended upā€¦ but I did find some ruins of some sortā€¦ some granite had clearly been quarried here, or placed here. I snapped a photo and wondered before getting back on a trail which led me into a loop three times. It was starting to get dark, I had walked way farther than I anticipated and I still couldnā€™t find my way to the right path. I had to start making some decisions. I decided to keep walking until I hit a road but I didnā€™t hit a road. I hit an intersection of two joining lakes and no more path. Fuck!


DSC_0326DSC_0196I wheeled back around, by now it was getting dimmer and darker by the step. I was practically jogging ā€“ sweating, overheating, starting to get a headache from dehydration because it was hot and I didnā€™t bring any water with me. I passed the same trees, mushrooms, and various other landmarks again and again before I finally came to a stone wall. The stone wall. I could get back from the stone wall! But the stone wall didnā€™t lead me back to the right trail, just the same bizarre loop path I kept getting on. I was frustrated. I gave up. I found the stone wall and followed it in the opposite direction of home knowing itā€™d lead me to the dam and from the dam I could wander through some nice peopleā€™s backyard back up to a road. I knew how to get home from there (although it was a hell of a walk.) I stopped by a roadside lake scene, snapped a few more photos, and continued walking in the heat and the sun.

I walked down the road with cars zooming past me at 50 miles an hour, my camera still slung over my shoulder, feeling like I fucking owned this place, this moment, my life, anything that was to be had. My ā€œI Donā€™t Give a Duckā€ shirt added to this playful yet fierce glory and at least one motorcyclists took the time to smile, nod, and laugh, as he drove by. I smiled back ā€“ and for a second we shared a moment of pure ridiculousness. It was wonderful.

I can barely feel my legsā€¦ but Iā€™m alive! And so happy! The week ahead is going to be full of adventure and I cannot wait!


***I apologize for any missing photos and galleries as I continue to work getting Catching Marbles fully migrated to a new host. Please come back soon for restored photos and thank you for your patience!***

If you are enjoying Catching Marbles please consider adding a dollar or two to my limited gas money fund so I can continue going on adventures and sharing them with you! Thank you!





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