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Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine

Well! As it turns out thereā€™s a bunch of things going on in Maine I should really be up here for so last Thursday I packed up my car and braved five hours of dragonā€™s breathe (fog) to get to central Maine. Iā€™ll be up here for a couple weeksā€¦. getting into trouble and whatnot. So far itā€™s been wonderful. I took a photo of the dragonā€™s breathe and a new friend I found in the yard this morning. Iā€™m calling him Tom.

Todayā€™s little adventure was to a Steampunk Craft Fair and Festival in Dexter. For those of you not in the know Dexter is a tiny town smack dab in the middle of nowhere and a damn strange place to have such a thingā€¦. which is obviously what made me want to go. Itā€™d either be amazing, or amazingly bad, either way Iā€™m happy! So off I went! (I was however not ballsy enough to attend the costume party at the adjoining bar the night beforeā€¦ Not that I had anything to wear on such short notice.)

I must say it is HOT and MUGGY todayā€¦ and the little festival in the middle of the parking lot around the old factory building. TO my surprise there were a lot of people dressed up! Most were vendors, and the live music, but I think a few were just nutballs like me. I wasnā€™t totally dressed down ā€“ I did wear my octopus shirt which looks very Jules Verne-esque. And someone did compliment itā€¦ IĀ thinkĀ he was trying to say it looked like Cthulhu.

Anyway, I was happily surprised with the diversity here. There were a lot of crafters, a lot of gears, a lot of keys, all glued on masks, tiles, earrings, you name it. Even talked to one young woman making her own chainmail. Seriously. Hand-made chain mail. I asked where the hell she picked up that skillā€¦. she said her school taught it. Wow. Maybe if my school were that interesting growing up I wouldnā€™t have prayed so hard for the building to ā€œblow down in one good gust,ā€ as one of the teachers lamented, ā€œThatā€™s all itā€™d take! One good gust!ā€

Of course I also went in the hopes of seeing local authors. I wasnā€™t disappointed. I ended up buying three books, all signed, for $35. One was a collection of short stories, another was some sort of whimsical fiction, and the third was a graphic novel which I am not known for buying but it looked so damn detailedā€¦ the woman who inked and wrote that one said she was used to doing comic con type circuits, indoors. I could see that. Everyone was super friendly and very passionate, what I would hoped to find in such a gathering. For the dead center of Nowheresville Maine I think this was pulled off pretty well! Especially for the first year in doing this. Maybe next year Iā€™ll return as a vendor!



3 thoughts on “Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine

  1. Thank you so much you your great commentary on our Steam punk Fair Im Darin one of the creators of the Dexter maine Steam punk fest and the one pictured in the kilt in one pic we are having it again although we had to reschedule do to my wife having a stroke the new date is Labor day weekend 2019 hope to see you again. Same place.

    1. Awe, I’m sorry to hear that! I hope your wife can enjoy a full recovery.
      I’m happy to hear this fair is still on. Thank you for organizing it! It should be fun! šŸ™‚

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