I’d never heard of the Dummerston Apple Pie Fair until I was invited. From what I could gather it was some event held by the local church there… looked quaint and adorable so I figured why not? New England is THE best place to get Autumn apples, cider, apple cider doughnuts, and apple pie… I was going on an empty stomach for a reason!
Yesterday I spent the day helping my mother sell soap at a local craft fair and it must have drained my energy more than I thought because today I could NOT get going! So it was 2:30 before we go there… The listing online said it ended at 4:20PM, which is obviously a joke for the herbally inclined… so I thought maybe it ended at 5? I was hoping anyway. I found parking in a field down the street. There was no charge. We walked past a big house that was taking the opportunity to host a multi-family yard sale since so many pedestrians were walking by… The people there were super sweet and talkative! We moseyed on towards the church. SO MANY PIES – sold whole in front of the church or by slice down aside the church. There was also apple cider and apple cider doughnuts. I grabbed a doughnut to snack on as I walked. Apple cider doughnuts are the best doughnuts you can get, absolutely delicious, and perfect to nibble on as you walk across the street to a craft fair in another church. Sadly we got there just as everyone was packing up. Guess it ended at 3. SO MANY ADORABLE VERMONT CRAFTY THINGS! Wish I got there sooner! There was the usual knitting, crochet, quilting, home-made ties, and then just an assortment of odd things… like these adorable troll like creature sculpted by a pair who call themselves The Widow and the Spinster (nancyb63@svcable.net and bunny@svcable.net). If I’m honest I probably would have taken one home if I had anywhere to put it. My life isn’t that… organized… yet. Across the way Backwoods Vermont had its own assortment of woodland creatures – another collection of trolls, this time in magnet form, caught by eye but they also had felted creations and water color paintings. Downstairs I found someone selling wooden birds who I did not get the card for (so sorry!) and a woman selling goat’s milk soap – Four Kyds Farm – who talked to my soaping mother kindly about how farmer’s markets were really a waste for soapers to go to for the most part (and having attended too many myself I have to agree…) Craft fairs were her thing. Thanks for the tip!
Before we left I was able to buy a gallon of the SWEETEST apple cider I have ever tasted and a pie for later just as they were selling out and it was starting to rain. Perfect timing!