Abandoned · Hiking Trail · Parks · Rhode Island · Roadside Attractions · ruins

The Enchanted Forest Abandoned Amusement Park Hope Valley RI

Last weekā€™s adventures had a theme ā€“ abandoned theme parks! And we started with this one which wasā€¦ an adventure. It always is.

It was another FaceBook suggestion which I have found to be a total coin toss when it comes to being worth it. I thought this was the place with the abandoned fairy village but no, that was a different Facebook suggestion which I will refind later.

In fact this place was kind of hard to find. It wasnā€™t really around too much civilization which you would expect of a theme parkā€¦ The GPS played a few games with the street address before we finally arrived. There was a decrepit sign aside the road that led to a terrifyingly rough parking lot which had been nearly completely taken over by weeds and shrubs. The parking lot was paved but that isnā€™tā€™ saying much considering there was grass jutting out from the many cracks in it. This was like all the photos you see of current day Chernobyl, probably the sketchiest place weā€™ve been yet!

Things got even more creepy as we made our way towards the woods and foundā€¦ a couch! Why? I have no goddamn idea but here it was, covered in spray paint, torn apart, but still in bizarrely good condition considering which suggests it hadnā€™t been there for long. Clearly this was where local teenagers came to drink. Been finding a lot of their secret hiding places as of lateā€¦ maybe I am trying to find my own inner teen who didnā€™t really have much of a life back in the day, certainly less adventure than I do now.

Beyond the couch there were trails, of a sort, although there were no signs, no markers, no real suggestion that they were for people and not just overgrown deer paths. This place was supposed to have ruins scattered about but we didnā€™t come across much until we were fairly far down these paths. The first things looked like maybe the roof of a doghouse? And a wishing well nearby. From there we found what looked like an abandoned mini barn which some delightfully positive delinquent spray painted, ā€œSomeone loves you!ā€ on the front of. You got to love life affirming graffiti. You, my dear tagger, have it right. Keep on shining!

The insides were of course covered and more typical of what you might expect. From here we crossed a little bridge, found some sort of open storage house decaying out here with perfectly good PVC still stacked up under them. From he we ended up wandering cluelessly onto a nearby golf course before going back into the woods from whence we came. This place was so overtaken with vegetation I felt like we were urban explorers trekking through Ingene Island trying to dodge nests of velociraptorsā€¦. and maybe a few pterodactyls.

When we came back to the parking lot I noticed trees blocked all of the Enchanted Forestā€™s sign except for what looked like ā€œThe END.ā€ Fitting! And creepy! And of course when we got back to the car the one other person there had emerged from the thicket and was looking suspiciously at us. He was clearly a teenager, loitering about, maybe waiting for friends and weā€¦ were probably just a confusing sight to him with our unfamiliar baby faces.

Onto the next park!

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