Little free Libraries · New Hampshire · Parks · Restaurants

Five Little Free Libraries – Wilton NH

Wilton is neither super close nor terribly far from where I live but it does have one key difference that I needed on this particular outing ā€“ it has a lot of Free Little Libraries and if I was to continue my tour donating signed copies of my book for people to find this seemed like a great place to start.

I thought this would be super easy. Iā€™d just choose a town or city I was already in, look at the Little Free Library App, share the addresses with my GPS and voila! Itā€™d be quick, efficient, and a little fun. This has not been my experienceā€¦ if anything this has been more like a treasure hunt than an easy chore list. Sometimes I drive right up to them, sometimes I drive right up to absolutely nothing at all, sometimes I find the abandoned shells of a lost dream. As such it took me THREE separate trips to Wilton to get most, not all, of the little libraries.

Marden Road ā€“ Abandoned

The first one I stopped at was on Marden Road and it sounded really sweet. It was in the middle of nowhere aside a horse pasture and on the app it said it was dedicated to a recently deceased horse who I guess the local children would frequently visit- when it was still alive of course. Despite being on a farm road with very few houses or anything of note I managed to find it partially up a long driveway. Drove right to it. But there was something wrong. It was made from an old cubby freezer and it looked thoroughly abandoned. There was a sun-bleached spot where a sign must have once stuck to it. Inside there were no books ā€“ just spider webs, leaves, and debris. This made me so sad! I had the perfect farm related book to leave in it if it was running but alas no.. I reported it as defunct to the Free Little Library Website.

65 Main Street

65 Main Street

I thought finding something on Main Street would be super easy so I headed to this one next. I knew it was in a park. I drove by but my GPS claimed it was on the opposite side of the road than it was so not only did I not see a little library I didnā€™t even see the park! At this point I decided to find a place to turn around ā€“ ended completely distracted when I drove into the parking lot of the Riverview Mill Artist Studios. Luckily there was a sweet woman there that set me straight. There is indeed a park, a very little park, squished in between a chocolatier and a cupcake shop, and within that tiny park thereā€™s a gorgeous natural rock fountain, a view of the train bridge, some benches shaded by trees, and a very elegant Little Free Library built to look like the surrounding buildings. In short I found Heaven ā€“ a tiny peaceful spot to read or people watch while munching on chocolates and freshly baked cupcakes. Wilton, you have it made.

10 Livermore Street

10 Livermore Street

Of all the Little Libraries I have visited this one really stands out. Itā€™s sitting directly across from an elementary school so I was figuring it was going to be this hokey little childrenā€™s book cabinet. And thereā€™s nothing wrong with thatā€¦ but I drove up to it I was just delighted to see it. Blazoned loudly on itā€™s side was a trans flag (with a black and brown stripe included) and its front was wrapped in pride flag colors. A little gnome stood guard. I grew up in a small town nearby that really didnā€™t appreciate me or my unflinching gender fuckery so to see such loud and positive queer rep, especially for trans and trans kids of color, made my heart just fucking MELT. I was already won with this but it got better. As I stood there taking photos a polite tabby gentleman ambled up and practically said, ā€œCan I haz all the pats pleez?ā€ This cat was AWSOME. Obviously, I obliged. Seriously could have lost the rest of the day petting him. I knew this library was geared towards elementary students but some of the books looked like they were for middle-aged or young adults so I felt comfortable leaving a copy of Achilles in Heels there. Itā€™s an updated retelling of an old Greek myth. Basically, I wrote about the teenage years of Achilles where he was forced by his mother to hide from the draft by pretending to be a princess. He also finds himself in a polyamorous vee with his two best friends Patroclus and Deidamia. So, thereā€™s a lot of positive queer rep and itā€™s ā€œsweetā€ (no sex scenes) so even though it was about teenagers and not smaller children I left it there. It just felt right to leave it there chilling next to a few other young adult type books. This library really made my day. I still smile thinking about it. So, whoever it tending to it ā€“ keep doing good work. Your library is absolutely wonderful and it means a lot. Also please pat the cat for me. And give him a treat if possible.

7 Forest Road

Thereā€™s supposed to be a Little Free Library on the playground here. I didnā€™t find it and to be honest I didnā€™t try that hard as my books arenā€™t childrenā€™s books and loitering around a playground when I donā€™t have any kids in tow is creepy at best. But if I am to believe the photo on the Free Little Library app it is adorableā€¦

24 Maple Street

24 Maple Street

Honestly, I donā€™t know how I ended up here. I was looking for something else, I think the little library at the Methodist Church on North River Road which I drove past and then while I was trying to find my way back home I ended up turning on Maple Street and boom! I was in front of a little library! Mistaking it for the one I was looking for I fudged up the label saying where I left it and then when I got home to check if it matched the address and photo on the app I found out it didnā€™t match anything at all. It did have a chapter number but that came up unregistered. I seriously lost an hour trying to figure this out when I suddenly remembered there was an adorable bantam rooster crowing in the background and a sign reading Maple something Farm. From here I had to consult Google street view and prove to myself I had not toppled into the Twilight Zone earlier. This is what happens when you have ADD brain and you let it go hog wild. It makes tracing your steps earlier in the day almost impossible! Rest assured I am fine and this little library is delightful. And apparently new because it wasnā€™t on Google Street View. SIIIIIIGGGGGHHH.

195 Isaac Frye Hwy

Hilltop Cafe ā€“ 195 Isaac Frye Highway

Finally, we come to a library thatā€™s not in town but rather out in the puckers again ā€“ well, sort of. Itā€™s actually in the parking lot of a popular cafe. A cafe that was so popular that you need reservations just to eat there. Itā€™s because it was so busy on that morning that I was focused too hard on pedestrians and traffic to even notice the little library and had to find it on Google Street View that night before returning on a different day! Itā€™s a unique and cute one too! I deposited a book there and was well on my way.

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