My travel companion lives in RI and I live in Southern NH and if I am capable I generally go down to Rhode Island, a two and a half hour drive, once a week so we can go adventuring. Lately we’ve been going to A LOT of antique stores and quite a few fish stores as well, mostly because it’s still over 80 degrees out during the day and he doesn’t want to kill me. (He’s fine in the heat, should really apply as Satan’s apprentice. He’d do great in Hell – heatwise anyway.) But all this means we have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for places to go close to Rhode Island. We’ve been to all the antique stores in RI, most throughout the Boston area, and a good deal in Connecticut too.
And that’s how I ended up driving back to about 20 minutes from where I live to check out an antique store in a church that didn’t exist anymore. I was… annoyed. And then while googling places nearby he came up with this place in Gardner – the city where a good amount of my extended family lives and none of them have ever had anything good to say about it. I was dubious.
But sometimes when you expect nothing you get a lovely surprise and that’s what happened on this particular day. The first thing we saw was a huge swarm of animals made from repurposed metal. One or two of these can be cute. A swarm just looks… junk yard-y. I raised my eye brow. Where we about to relive another Cookie’s moment wandering haplessly into what could be a serial killer’s den? I wasn’t ruling it out.
We walked inside and it was more or less like the decorative section of a feed store. Lots of things for your lawn and so many house plants. I thought this was an antique store? It took us a minute to wander fully in and we found out this place was much larger than it looked on the outside and downstairs were indeed all the antiques as well as more plants, metal animals, knitted plushies, bad taxidermy, modern Halloween decorations, and homemade soaps. This place had no idea what it was! Which made it charming to me. I was far less annoyed leaving the place than I was going in and to be honest I might be back to take a more serious look at all those delightful cacti and succulents when I feel ready to try house plants again.
Anyway…. if you’re in the area and looking for a…. different…. experience you should totally check it out!