We found yet another win with this one! This antique store really stood out for having 4 dedicated display rooms full to the brim with Halloween antiques. They weren’t for sale as they were the private collection of the owner but wow, they were fun to gawk at just the same! And there was actually a number of Halloween antiques throughout the store that were for sale as well. It all delighted me to the core. I am SO HAPPY to see Halloween becoming a serious competitor for Christmas. It makes my darkened heart leap for joy. A win for all the freaks among us!
But back to the antique mall – this place was pretty sizable and had a very good diversity of dealers. It had multiple floors, all in a barn-like environment that got sweatier the further up you climbed but honestly at this point I feel like that’s part of having an authentic experience at these places.
There was a lot to find – old movie memorabilia, creepy dolls, tons of cutesy country chic decor, a whole room of homemade soaps and body butters, a display cabinet full of dolls who had heavy metal make overs by what I am guessing is a local artist. All gave this place a lot of personality. I loved it. Would highly suggest giving this place a little lookey loo if you’re into these sorts of things.