Good news! I managed to post one entry of Catching Marbles for every day of October!!! Granted to reach this goal I did cheat a bit, did a few underwhelming entries and some backlogged stuff, but when you have a crazy migraine for days straight, I don’t think anyone’s going to complain. I pushed HARD to complete this goal and since my body hates me for it, I probably won’t be doing it again, but I have decided the boost in traffic was worth at least trying to post more when I could. (My new goal is to hit 500 destinations before the end of the year!)
Because of the aforementioned migraine I was unable to go out and do something spooky for Halloween. I was barely able to pass out candy to the 12 kids who showed up. So tonight, will be another backlogged entry about a cool new shop at the Olde Mystic Village – The Rustic Relic Country Store. It’s a small and pretty typical country store but very cute, very country chic, very warm. I think it provided a nice compliment to the rest of the village and fit right in. I think this would be a great place to do some Christmas shopping for the people in your life who love this rural aesthetic.