Antiques · Maine · Stores

Wiscasset Antiques Mall – Wiscasset Maine

This was another big one that took quite some time to get through. When we walked in my attention immediately gravitated towards a little plastic encased booklet reading, ā€œLittle Known Facts About Bundling in the New World.ā€ For those of you that donā€™t know in the early days of our country it was customary to only have one giant bed per family, especially in the winter when body heat was a good resource to have! Men and boys slept to one side, women and girls slept on another, and directly in the middle would be a bundling board ā€“ or a little wooden fence-like thing keeping the two groups seperate. Interestingly enough courting teenage couples were allowed to sleep in the same bed in these days, in the very middle, with the bundling board in between them and their parents right behind them. Iā€™m sure that wasnā€™t weird at all. Also how were babies made with this arrangement?! There seemed to be an awfully lot of themā€¦

ANYWAY, now that I am past that disturbing little distraction I will go back to telling you about the antique store. It was another Byzantine place with all sorts of nooks and corners, a ton of vendors, and just about something for everyone. I was particularly intrigued by a series of old newspapers saved detailing big events ā€“ Elvis Presleyā€™s Death, the assassination of Kennedy, and the Son of Sam trial. And wow, so many puppets! All of different kinds! And the weird booksā€¦ I could have dropped a lot of money on weird books but I was running low at this point. They even had one with absolutely horrible misogynistic boomer humor that was beyond cringe. Even more alarming they had an official notary press for saleā€¦. and it workedā€¦ Iā€™m sure no neā€™er-do-well will find it and use it for anything mischievousā€¦

All and all this place was large enough yo recommend travel to pick through or if you happen to be in the area its definitely worth a visit!

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