Death Valley – Nevada/California
An oasis for rich asshole kids is discovered smack dab in the middle of the desert…
An oasis for rich asshole kids is discovered smack dab in the middle of the desert…
A swing and a miss!
I am completely humbled by the vast landscapes which surround me.
I decided to go to the four corners because who wouldn’t at this point? I mean really, its there, might as well go. I sort of figured it’d be this lame monument in the middle of nowhere with nothing much going on around it. I also figured it’d be free. No, you do have to pay… Continue reading Four Corners Monument (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah)
I crash landed in Roswell New Mexico, bumped elbows with some aliens, and strutted out of there like I was the king.
What’s more amazing than a massive swarm of bats? Not much!
Another roadside attraction appears and is explored.
A gorgeous haunted city rich in history and delight… and horses in diapers.
What happens when someone who clearly should be in a mental institution decideds to build a castle? BEAUTIFUL THINGS!
I visit a really big tree…