San Francisco California
A beautiful city full of surrises. This East Coast girl finds a new favorite spot.
A beautiful city full of surrises. This East Coast girl finds a new favorite spot.
An oasis for rich asshole kids is discovered smack dab in the middle of the desert…
Too tired to remember how to breathe I ended up in Joshua Tree… surrounded by rattlesnakes.
You know those trees in the Wizard of Oz? I wonder if they’d be petrified if you yelled, “Boo!”
I nery died hauling my ass up a giant mountain of sand for what felt like miles but the view at the top? PRICELESS.
I am completely humbled by the vast landscapes which surround me.
I decided to go to the four corners because who wouldn’t at this point? I mean really, its there, might as well go. I sort of figured it’d be this lame monument in the middle of nowhere with nothing much going on around it. I also figured it’d be free. No, you do have to pay… Continue reading Four Corners Monument (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah)
The Jeep gets vivisected by border control as vultures circle the skies…
There’s few things creepier than a bunch of Greek columns standing all by their lonesome, crumbling, and being surrounded by lush vines.
Ever go to a tourist attraction so underwhelming you hope you get lost and die? This was almost that bad..