Congress Bat Bridge – Austin Texas
What’s more amazing than a massive swarm of bats? Not much!
What’s more amazing than a massive swarm of bats? Not much!
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! No seriously, there were lions and tigers…
Finally, something good!
This park boasts the world’s least welcoming shower and an infestation of pill bugs. . .
You ever get drunk and wake up in Branson Missouri? Not me, but this really seems like the place to do just that…
A gorgeous haunted city rich in history and delight… and horses in diapers.
How can someone as amused by puns as myself resist going to a Cracker Barrel in the Deep South?? Spoilers, I couldn’t. Also – giant metal farm animals.
Boiled Peanuts. I tried not to think about it too much before I popped one in my mouth…
I was super excited tomeet a celebrity in key West – Robert the haunted doll…
Hi, I’m a bumbling white person. Can you show me your petroglyphs?