Staying with Friends in Miami
I met a colorful character in Miami and took the most awesome shower EVER.
I met a colorful character in Miami and took the most awesome shower EVER.
Savannah Georgia was another one of those ill-planned out things. Unlike most of the destinations on the list I knew absolutely nothing of Savannah other than the fact it had squares. I had no idea what this meant but I was up for enjoying some geometric wonders. What can I say? I headed for the original… Continue reading Savannah Squares – Georgia
It was a tale of two classes — the obscenely wealthy and the desperately poor.
Initially I only meant to stop here as a camping site to sleep but this place is absolutely gorgeous! Even the welcome center looks like some sort of rich fancy lodge or something. Right from the start I saw a tiny weird little lizard and walking around I found two five foot long alligators basking out on a little… Continue reading Pointsette State Park – South Carolina
How to stomach clams and other New England “delicacies.”
Off to DC! I couldn’t wait! I wanted to return to the Museum of Natural History, as I only began to sink my teeth into it as a twelve year old and now still thought about going back to see the fossils with glassy eyes. Admission to any of the Smithsonian museums is free, including the Museum… Continue reading Washington DC – A Total Bust!
A big and beautiful aquarium full of the most amazing sea life!
Why not begin the journey at the very top of the country in “vacationland,” otherwise known as Maine. Sure, I’d been there probably hundreds of times before (as I have a great deal of family up there) but that’s no reason to ignore it on this epic journey. Besides I had a place to stay… Continue reading Tidepoolin’ in Maine
In the city of brotherly love there’s a Love Park…
Where can you buy $1 records and suspicious meats? At the Italian Market!