Muddy Princess Mud Run – Barre MA
Oh boy! What an adventure. And all for charity!
Oh boy! What an adventure. And all for charity!
WOW, did we learn so much about this little talked about piece of colonial American history!
I continued my search for aquarium plants by going to Pet Supplies Plus…
The North Burial Ground in Providence Rhode Island is a very large cemetery that merits a lot of exploration. Previously we had tried to check out this cemetery one fine afternoon only to realize that it closes at FOUR PM. This is by far the earliest closing hours for a cemetery we have ever come… Continue reading Women’s Tour – Old Burial Ground – Providence RI
A delightful and bizarre tourist trap for the quirky.
An H P Lovecraft inspired gathering of creative weirdos. What’s not to love?
My desire to find a hidden gem reveals… mystery. So much mystery.
I found all the hippies. They’re here. Making art. And it’s beautiful.
Since we were in Bangor anyway poking around the Central Maine Antique Exchange I thought it’d be fun to go three miles down the road to see the Paul Bunyan statue that stands proudly outside the Bangor Civic Center in Bass Park. He’s a 31-foot-tall local icon that has been greeting tourists and looky-loos since… Continue reading Paul Bunyan Statue – Bangor Maine
One of the best bird’s eye views of New England you will ever see and you don’t have to climb a mountain to see it!