John Hayes Library – Providence RI
This was the first time I got to handle authentic letters from an actual classic author (H P Lovecraft) AND end up mysteriously in a giant room full of toy soldiers.
This was the first time I got to handle authentic letters from an actual classic author (H P Lovecraft) AND end up mysteriously in a giant room full of toy soldiers.
One of the most bizarre rabbit holes we have yet to topple down – this is perhaps my favorite tourist trap to date.
“I know where I want to go this week!” “OK, where?” “Lawrence Mass!” “….WHY?!” OK, so it might not be fair but my numerous run ins with Lawrence Mass haven’t left a particularly good taste in my mouth. My first time there the car stalled out in the middle of the night in front of… Continue reading Canal Street Antique Mall – Lawrence MA
Forward march! Into the Civil War we go…
You can really see what a town is made of when such large scale tragedy hits. Generations after the civil war we are still able to walk to all the churches that were used as field hospitals during nearby battles.
It’s time for a road trip OUT of New England to the historic state of Maryland!
My second trip to the Eyrie House ruins was a FAR happier trip and included a new bonus – a view from the Goat’s Peak tower!
Last week’s adventure was a little different as the entire point of it was to give some kids one last hurrah before the end of summer vacation which these days isn’t really as easy at it sounds… still I agreed to drive as mini golf sounded plenty reasonable to me. And monsters make for a… Continue reading Monster Mini Golf – Seekonk MA
Random sights and thoughts as we wander aimlessly through the streets.
I meant to post this before my last few entries but alas my brain has been a pile of goo as of late. ANYWAY. I’m happy to announce that due to the wonderful efforts of a good many people I finally qualified for and received my first dose of Covid vaccine! And I’ve decided to… Continue reading Woohoo!! On the Road to be Fully Vaccinated!