Purgatory Chasm & Love Lock Bridge – Newport Rhode Island
A mini-excursion to a local gem.
A mini-excursion to a local gem.
What a sweet little place for a short walk and feeding some ducks!
WOW, was this a gorgeous spot for a summer picnic!
A hidden gem of a swimming hole.
The perfect trail for a rainy Saint Patrick’s Day!
A sweet little meditation spot with which to watch the wild birds.
Just collecting breadcrumbs from a previous adventure – making sure to explore the last little bit of this nature preserve!
A truly magical bog with vibrant colors, abundant wildlife, and CARNIVOROUS PLANTS!
Today I decided to go on a little adventure and find the Rindge Town Forest. This resulted in me turning around after hitting a super sketchy and totally unnamed dirt road which had a “Posted – Private Property” sign to one side. I think the private property sign belonged to the neighbors but with no… Continue reading Converse Meadow Conservation Area – Red Trail – Rindge NH
An out-of-the-way and easy trail for any river or forest lovers.