Theophanes Avery is an avid blogger with a diverse set of interests. If you liked Tales from the Birdello you may enjoy some other works by this author:

Tales from the Birdello: This once chicken-friendly homesteading blog is currently where I toss all my informative animal articles (since I no longer have chickens.) Someday it’ll be returned to its former glory.
Deranged Thoughts from a Cluttered Mind: This blog is to homage to all the very strange and wonderful people who have wandered in and out of my life and the wild and whimsical situations they have put me in. It’s meant to give you a good chuckle.
Theophanes Avery’s Historic Ramblings: Do you like satirical retellings of profoundly strange historical events? Then this is the blog for you. You’ll see Napoleon conquered by a swarm of fluffy bunnies, learn about a drunken penguin robbery, and pick up enough trivia on violently named shoes than you could possibly use in a tournament.

The Boneless Chicken Party: I’ve have had “chronic fatigue syndrome with abdominal pain” since I was twelve that has completely derailed my life a few times. I think it was caused by the house I was living in at the time and the house I was forced to move back to due to financial reasons. It is not all doom and gloom though, this is meant to be a blog of hope and inspiration – showing just what I can achieve and how. I hope to provide comfort, support, and knowledge to whomever decides to read it.
An Author’s Journey – This is where I write about writing, becoming an author, trying to sell my writing – you know the tired and petty things pretty much no one would find interesting unless they themselves are a writer or aspiring author…
Adventures in Gender Fuckery: A blog where I explore the history of ladies, gents, gents who may be ladies, ladies who may be gents, and everyone in between and other than. It’s a celebration of gender diversity looked over by certain gender bending trickster gods and all our non-binary ancestors.