Antiques · Rhode Island · Stores

Antiques at Old Tiverton Rhode Island

Crammed and creepy, this was a great place for unlikely finds.

Antiques · Massachusetts · Stores · Uncategorized

Canal Street Antique Mall – Lawrence MA

ā€œI know where I want to go this week!ā€ ā€œOK, where?ā€ ā€œLawrence Mass!ā€ ā€œā€¦.WHY?!ā€ OK, so it might not be fair but my numerous run ins with Lawrence Mass havenā€™t left a particularly good taste in my mouth. My first time there the car stalled out in the middle of the night in front of… Continue reading Canal Street Antique Mall – Lawrence MA

Antiques · Flea Markets & Yardsales · Maine · Roadside Attractions · Stores · Uncategorized

Roller Rink Antique Mall – Pittsfield Maine

Another day, another fantastically unending antique mall, filled to the brim with anything and everything my twisted heart could desire. This shop used to be an old roller skating rink but now hosts a great number of different vendors. In typical Maine fashion you will find lots and lots of random junk probably collected by… Continue reading Roller Rink Antique Mall – Pittsfield Maine

Antiques · Maine · Roadside Attractions · Stores · Uncategorized

Fairfield Antiques Mall – Fairfield Maine

Since I was already in the area cooing at my submersible friends at AquaCorals, I decided I would stop at an antique mall just down the street. I was told by locals it was huge and would take me at least two hours to rummage through. They were not kidding! This was an enormous building,… Continue reading Fairfield Antiques Mall – Fairfield Maine