Bangor Antique Marketplace – Bangor Maine
Another large antique mall with multiple vendors and lots of probably haunted things.
Another large antique mall with multiple vendors and lots of probably haunted things.
Whew! This one was a lot! So much to see!
Certainly, one the quirkiest antique stores I have ever ventured into!
An intense and very unique store full of large and bizarre antiques.
You cannot get more White Mountain goodness than a roadside B&B with an antique-filled barn!
Your number one shop for haunted Victorian children.
This was by far the most Halloween oriented antique store I have ever been to!
The most distinctively punk antique store I have visited proved to be entertaining to say the least!
Another sprawling mill antique mall with a dizzying assortment of random oddness.
A very well organized and clean little antique shop.