Central Maine Antique Mall – Bangor
When in Bangor… why not check out some antiques?
When in Bangor… why not check out some antiques?
If you have a fetish for nightmare inducing cookie jars this was definitely the place to go. Five whole floors!
Ooooo, a lovely little antique shop right on Main Street!
Follow the big sign reading, “cookies” into a dark barn – I’m sure it’s not a trap.
Another delightful adventure into the morbid and whimsical.
A favorite haunt to shop for the creepy and bizarre.
The perfect place if you happen to be renovating a Gothic mansion or castle.
What a wonderful collection of vendors! Something for everyone including the morbid and strange!
Three haunted antique stores sitting in a pretty little row – how could I resist?!
Some destinations are so bizarre they merit another trip – with company in tow.