La Brea tar Pits – Los Angelas California
Something I put on my bucket list at age 5 – COMPLETED!
Something I put on my bucket list at age 5 – COMPLETED!
Baby komodo dragons, a pissed off mongoose, tapirs, meowing lemurs… this zoo had it all.
A swing and a miss!
You know those trees in the Wizard of Oz? I wonder if they’d be petrified if you yelled, “Boo!”
Everyone has to go to the Grand Canyon, right? Fatigue sets in. I am numb.
Another day, another side of the canyon – and a couple birds!
I nery died hauling my ass up a giant mountain of sand for what felt like miles but the view at the top? PRICELESS.
One of the most breath takingly beautiful secrets America has to offer…
I am completely humbled by the vast landscapes which surround me.
I decided to go to the four corners because who wouldn’t at this point? I mean really, its there, might as well go. I sort of figured it’d be this lame monument in the middle of nowhere with nothing much going on around it. I also figured it’d be free. No, you do have to pay… Continue reading Four Corners Monument (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah)