Watch Hill Merry Go Round and Lighthouse – Westerly Rhode Island
Ride this carousel and you may fling off and hit the moon – although it might be worth it to get your tiny ice cream covered fingers on one of the gold rings…
Ride this carousel and you may fling off and hit the moon – although it might be worth it to get your tiny ice cream covered fingers on one of the gold rings…
25 mini escape rooms and a ticking clock! Wee!
There’s nothing more enticing than a giant roadside sign reading, “Dinosaur footprints!”
A charming little orchard with the bonus of a tiny cemetery and a pen full of hungry pigs!
This was possibly the most bizarre destination I have ever ended up at. It’d been suggested by several people, and of course the Internet, but no one had much to say about it, just that I needed to go. On this particular occasion I ended up with quite a carload, my mother, a cousin, and… Continue reading Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies – Deer Isle Maine
Recently I decided I should start going to more extroverted places on the weekend, maybe quirky little mom and pop shops, museums, or festivals, leaving my more isolated hikes into the woods or cemeteries for weekdays. There’s always more things to share about New England after all! Every time I feel like I have scraped… Continue reading Tiny House Fest – Brattleborro Vermont – 2018
This morning I decided to go out for another adventure and it occurred to me that I have yet to see any caves in New England. I wasn’t even sure if we have any caves but a quick Google search landed me at the Polar Caves in Rumney NH, which is about two hours away.… Continue reading Polar Caves – Rumney New Hampshire
Acadia is one of my favorite places to go. The park is enormous and has something to offer everyone. It has hiking trails of all levels and capabilities for the athletic among us but it also has a variety of stunning views you can either see directly out your car window or very… Continue reading Acadia National Park – Bar Harbor Maine
One of my least eventful adventures and yet probably the most amusing blog entry so far…