Going Up Mount Battie in Search of Fall Foliage – Camden Maine
A castle atop a mountain that I can just drive to? Let’s go!
A castle atop a mountain that I can just drive to? Let’s go!
The ruined remains of a fort, a mine, two lighthouses, a great beach, and even a castle. Pretty great for one tiny park!
How else would I celebrate my birthday than accidentally dropping by Uncle Sam’s house, bumbling back into the woods, and playing with salamanders?
I find a trail I have driven by many times and never noticed. It turns out to be a gorgeous river-side local secret.
Is there such a thing as being too helpful? I learn this and many other things in a series of regrettable moments lost on a bike path without any wheels…
Stressed out from a week of watching devastating news footage I decide it’s time for a trip to the woods.
I think New England needs a bright new educational farm with a free nature path on it. I’m asking for help to achieve this!
I allow myself another detour as I find an old abandoned roadway being taken over by nature.
An ill-kept trail aside the road leads me into wetlands and bear country…
This entry is a little different than most. It’s not an advertisement for some great place to go it’s more just a story about getting lost in the woods and finding myself both physically, and perhaps more metaphorically as well, through only the most ridiculous of means. I must admit I haven’t been taking the greatest care of… Continue reading More Whimsy as I get Lost in the Woods Again – Rindge NH