The Edna Nature Lab – Providence RI
A library for dead things, what could go wrong?
A library for dead things, what could go wrong?
THIS is what I think about when I think of the word library – just a bunch of books all cozy and warm, chilling with great art and weird people.
This was the first time I got to handle authentic letters from an actual classic author (H P Lovecraft) AND end up mysteriously in a giant room full of toy soldiers.
Covid strikes again – this time to keep us from an unusual rock.
An interesting bit of history but an underwhelming travel destination…
When nature beckons you have to answer – that’s how I ended up walking through the rain into this beautiful marshland.
Ride this carousel and you may fling off and hit the moon – although it might be worth it to get your tiny ice cream covered fingers on one of the gold rings…
If you have a fetish for nightmare inducing cookie jars this was definitely the place to go. Five whole floors!
Ooooo, a lovely little antique shop right on Main Street!
A brisk upward hike leads us to the ruins of an old stone home being reclaimed by nature.