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Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies – Deer Isle Maine

This was possibly the most bizarre destination I have ever ended up at. It’d been suggested by several people, and of course the Internet, but no one had much to say about it, just that I needed to go. On this particular occasion I ended up with quite a carload, my mother, a cousin, and… Continue reading Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies – Deer Isle Maine

Historical Landmarks · Massachusetts · Parks · Roadside Attractions

Worcester’s Possibly Salacious “Turtle Boy” Statue

I lived not far from Worcester for a few years and always heard these faint whisperings about the city’s unofficial mascot, something that had caused so much local speculation that it continues to divide the innocent from the cynical. Officially it’s called the Burnside Fountain which is topped with a statue titled Boy and Turtle.… Continue reading Worcester’s Possibly Salacious “Turtle Boy” Statue