Antiques · Maine · Roadside Attractions · Stores · Uncategorized

Fairfield Antiques Mall – Fairfield Maine

Since I was already in the area cooing at my submersible friends at AquaCorals, I decided I would stop at an antique mall just down the street. I was told by locals it was huge and would take me at least two hours to rummage through. They were not kidding! This was an enormous building,… Continue reading Fairfield Antiques Mall – Fairfield Maine

Fairs and Festivals · Maine · Uncategorized

Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine

Well! As it turns out thereā€™s a bunch of things going on in Maine I should really be up here for so last Thursday I packed up my car and braved five hours of dragonā€™s breathe (fog) to get to central Maine. Iā€™ll be up here for a couple weeksā€¦. getting into trouble and whatnot.… Continue reading Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine

camping · Fairs and Festivals · Vermont

Tiny House Fest – Brattleborro Vermont – 2018

Recently I decided I should start going to more extroverted places on the weekend, maybe quirky little mom and pop shops, museums, or festivals, leaving my more isolated hikes into the woods or cemeteries for weekdays. Thereā€™s always more things to share about New England after all! Every time I feel like I have scraped… Continue reading Tiny House Fest – Brattleborro Vermont – 2018

Hiking Trail · Historical Landmarks · New Hampshire · Parks · Quarries · Roadside Attractions · Uncategorized

Sculpture Garden at The Andrea’s Institute for Art – Brookline NH

About a week ago I was asked to do a group trip, which I am not adverse to, that would be somewhat local and appropriate to bring a four year old. So I thought the sculpture garden in Brookline might be the ticket. I had heard there were all sorts of large sculptures nestled in… Continue reading Sculpture Garden at The Andrea’s Institute for Art – Brookline NH

Hiking Trail · Mountains · New Hampshire · Parks · Roadside Attractions · Uncategorized · Water Scenes

Quincy Bog – Rumney New Hampshire

So after my little Polar Cave adventure I decided I still had a little time to do something more appropriate for an adult, perhaps a good old fashioned hike into the woods? I had noticed signs coming up for ā€œQuincy Bogā€ and Iā€™m a bit of a sucker at stopping at bogs, mostly because I… Continue reading Quincy Bog – Rumney New Hampshire

Caves · Hiking Trail · Mountains · New Hampshire · Parks · Roadside Attractions

Polar Caves – Rumney New Hampshire

This morning I decided to go out for another adventure and it occurred to me that I have yet to see any caves in New England. I wasnā€™t even sure if we have any caves but a quick Google search landed me at the Polar Caves in Rumney NH, which is about two hours away.… Continue reading Polar Caves – Rumney New Hampshire

Hiking Trail · Historical Landmarks · New Hampshire · Roadside Attractions · ruins · Uncategorized · Water Scenes

Hollis Town Forest – Hollis New Hampshire

Today was a gorgeous day for wandering! So I hopped in the car and started to drive randomly in a direction I decided upon earlier. I had no specific destination in mind and was just enjoying rambling down a bunch of rural country roads until I came across a trail head. It turned out being… Continue reading Hollis Town Forest – Hollis New Hampshire

Bridges · Caves · Covered Bridges · Hiking Trail · Historical Landmarks · Mountains · New Hampshire · Parks · Roadside Attractions · Water Scenes · Waterfalls

The Flume Gorge – Lincoln New Hampshire

Between my body not getting the hint itā€™s go time, and a bunch of issues at home, I have been severely pokey in getting this yearā€™s traveling started, but today I took my first little road trip of the season, and it was goddamn amazing! I had decided to go to the Flume Gorge in… Continue reading The Flume Gorge – Lincoln New Hampshire

Hiking Trail · New Hampshire · Roadside Attractions · Water Scenes

Old Woods Trail: Melting Snow Edition Rindge NH

Today Mother Nature decided to bless us with 48 degree weather and a light drizzling rain which did a fantastic job of blanketing the town in dragonā€™s breath and washing a good deal of snow away. I figured it was the perfect time go out for a little walk, take a few spring snaps, and… Continue reading Old Woods Trail: Melting Snow Edition Rindge NH

Historical Landmarks · Massachusetts · Parks · Roadside Attractions

Worcester’s Possibly Salacious “Turtle Boy” Statue

I lived not far from Worcester for a few years and always heard these faint whisperings about the cityā€™s unofficial mascot, something that had caused so much local speculation that it continues to divide the innocent from the cynical. Officially itā€™s called the Burnside Fountain which is topped with a statue titled Boy and Turtle.… Continue reading Worcester’s Possibly Salacious “Turtle Boy” Statue