Antiques · Connecticut · Stores

Trailside Treasures Antiques & Otherwise – Columbia Connecticut

Who doesn’t love exploring a cute, quirky little place like this?

Historical Landmarks · Maine · Museums · Uncategorized

Hudson Museum – Orono Maine

After being laid up for two days with a migraine I was just about crawling out of my skin this morning, desperate to go somewhere, anywhere. I’m still in central Maine with my mother and she’s still none too keen on going for a hike in 85 degree weather soooo I offered to bring her… Continue reading Hudson Museum – Orono Maine

Fairs and Festivals · Maine · Uncategorized

Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine

Well! As it turns out there’s a bunch of things going on in Maine I should really be up here for so last Thursday I packed up my car and braved five hours of dragon’s breathe (fog) to get to central Maine. I’ll be up here for a couple weeks…. getting into trouble and whatnot.… Continue reading Steam Punk Craft Fair and Festival Dexter Maine